Not able to get news from Chinese source

Source code:

df = ek.get_news_headlines('Source:YICCHI', 100, date_from='2020-01-01', date_to='2020-07-01')

stories = [ (storyId, ek.get_news_story(storyId)) for storyId in df['storyId'].tolist()]

df_1 = pd.DataFrame(stories, columns=['storyId', 'story'])



2021-07-22 10:09:17,008 P[8420] [MainThread 8512] Backend error. 400 Bad Request 2021-07-22 10:09:17,010 P[8420] [MainThread 8512] HTTP request failed: EikonError-Backend error. 400 Bad Request

Best Answer

  • @Arpit Jain

    Eikon Data APIs can only retrieve news headlines from Newswire sources. YICCHI is a Web News source, which is not available through Eikon Data APIs.


  • Hello @Arpit Jain

    I have checked with the Eikon/Workspace News Monitor app and I cannot find any news for the YICCHI (Yicai) source.


    I suggest you contact the Refinitiv Helpdesk team via website to help you confirm if your interested News Source is available in Eikon/Workspace or not.

    For more detail regarding the New Source in Eikon Data API, please check the old threads:

  • Hello, thank you for a quick response. If you can try including all sources thn the news source might be visible. Here is a snippet of news from this source