R API not working after update to Eikon 4.0.54062

I use a basic R Script to gather Data from Eikon, but after the Upgrade to Eikon 4.0.54062 the script is not working.

I had the same issues with a previous update, which I than solved by rolling back to Eikon 4.0.51085.

Error message from R (debug mode):

[1] "Request *************************************" {"Entity":{"E":["DataGrid"],"W":{"instruments":[["IBM"],["GOOG.O"],["MSFT.O"]],"fields":[{"name":["TR.PriceClose"]},{"name":["TR.Volume"]},{"name":["TR.PriceLow"]}]}}} [1] "Response *************************************" [1] "{\"code\":500,\"message\":\"connect ETIMEDOUT\",\"statusMessage\":\"Internal Server Error\"}" [1] "Response status *************************************" [1] 500 

It seems as I am having connection Issues to the Eikon Data server.

As I fear an update to the newest version of EIKON is mandatory and there is no way after 07/31 to get back to previous EIKON version I would really appreciate your help.

Additionally, a coworker of mine is working on the newest version of EIKON and has no issues with the very same basic script and the same software and hardware setup.

Many thanks in advance

R version: 4.0.3

package: eikonapir (https://github.com/ahmedmohamedali/eikonapir)

Best Answer

  • @stefan.donnerer

    To address this issue we likely need to make a config change at Refinitiv end for your Eikon account. I opened a support case on your behalf with Refinitiv Helpdesk. The Helpdesk will contact you when then change is implemented or if they need any additional info from you. For your reference the case number is 10127868.