How can I find quotes (official closes) via Refinitiv API?

filterStr = "IndustrySectorDescription eq 'Sovereign'"srchfields = "RIC, ExchangeCountry, IndustrySectorDescription, ContractCdsTermCode"N = 40

data = view = rdp.SearchViews.CdsQuotes, filter = filterStr, select = srchfields, top = N)

rdp.get_search_metadata(view = rdp.SearchViews.CdsQuotes)

I cannot find the 'Official Close' or something similar. Where can I find the correct variable?

Best Answer


  • @r.bouwmans so you should use rdp search to get the universe of RICs you want then pass that list to the ek.get_data() api call and use the TR.SETTLEMENTPRICE field:

    df, err = ek.get_data('your list of rics',['','TR.SETTLEMENTPRICE'])


    I hope this can help.