Query Corporate Action Calendar


I was trying to query the corporate action calendar, but none of the command seems to work for me.

ek.get_data(['DBV'],[ 'TR.CACorpActDesc(SDate=20010101, EDate=20180101,CAEventType=All)'])

Only gives me the return of capital. Instead I am hoping to get Dividend, M&A and Name&ID change.


Best Answer

  • @ghanweck

    The field TR.CACorpActDesc is from the Capital Changes category, and it returns only capital change events. The field definition found in Data Item Browser or CodeCreator apps is "The full description of Capital Change".
    For dividends use fields from Dividend History category, e.g.

               {'SDate':'20010101', 'EDate':'20180101'})

    For the retrieval of M&A activity see the discussion on this previous thread


  • @Alex Putkov. Thank you Alex for the quick response. The div and M&A part is very helpful. Any chance you have a previous threads regarding the Name ID change category under Corporate Action Calendar?

  • @Alex Putkov. Thank you Alex for the quick response. The div and M&A part is very helpful. Any chance you have a previous threads regarding the Name ID change category under Corporate Action Calendar?

  • I'm afraid not. Name & ID changes are not represented as a category in the data model accessible through Eikon Data APIs. Name/ID changes are tied to capital change events, and you can retrieve the latter. But you cannot make a request for name/ID changes for a list of companies between two dates.