API for R: extract price of stocks at some point in time

Hi. I need to match a large number of events to stock prices (different stocks, different points in time). I understand I can use Time and Sales template. However Im working with R but I couldn't find API for R on Refinitiv's API website. Could I check if there's any way to implement the price extraction in R? Many Thanks.

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @ziucqea

    Please be informed that Refinitiv does not have an official R SDK/ API. However, there is the community version of the R APIs that can consume Refinitiv data on GitHub such as eikonapir - R wrapper for Refinitiv Eikon API and DatastreamDSWS2R.

    You can find more detail regarding how to set up those R APIs on the project GitHub links and the Setup Jupyter Notebook for R article.

    Please note that the eikonapir and DatastreamDSWS2R are not Refinitiv products, if you encounter problems using the APIs you can contact the developers directly via the project GitHub's issue page.