get list of RICs in chain 0#GRAINS/CASH


I would like to get a list of all the RICs in the 0#GRAINS/CASH chain.

I tried:

df, err = ek.get_data('0#GRAINS/CASH', 'TR.CommonName')


df, err = ek.get_data('0#.GRAINS/CASH', 'TR.CommonName')

but I got the error: 'Unable to resolve all requested identifiers.'

I noticed this is a chain containing chains so I also tried

df, err = ek.get_data('0#CMAIZE-FR', 'TR.CommonName')

which should yield rics but the same problem occurred.

Exchanges seem to work fine as:

df, err = ek.get_data('0#.ftse', 'TR.CommonName')

works fine.

How can I get a list of all RICs in the GRAINS/CASH chain?

Best Answer

  • To retrieve chain constituents for any kind of chain, use a real-time field like DSPLY_NAME in get_data method instead of a fundamental & reference data field (aka TR.* field) like TR.CommonName. Try

    ek.get_data('0#GRAINS/CASH', 'DSPLY_NAME')


  • Thank you @Alex Putkov. I managed to get the chains of the chain :). I wrote your command into a recursive function that keeps digging down the RIC until it reaches the lowest level (code not starting with 0#). Then I calls some more data and append it to a pandas dataframe.

    import eikon as ek
    import pandas as pd

    df_fin = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['Instrument', 'DSPLY_NAME', 'Instrument Description', 'Asset Category Description'])

    def get_all_children(parent_ric, dsply_name):"Call {parent_ric}")
    df, err = ek.get_data(parent_ric, 'DSPLY_NAME')
    for i, row in df.iterrows():
    if str(row['Instrument']) == parent_ric:'Skip {parent_ric} because it returned itself.')
    elif str(row['Instrument']).startswith('0#'):
    # the child is a chain"Getting children of {str(row['Instrument'])}" )
    get_all_children(str(row['Instrument']), str(row['DSPLY_NAME']))
    # the child is an instrument"{str(row['Instrument'])} is not a chain so append df" )
    df_child, err_child = ek.get_data(
    # append to the global variable df_fin
    global df_fin
    df_fin = df_fin.append(df_child)

    get_all_children('0#GRAINS/CASH', 'commodity')
    df_fin.to_csv('out.csv', index=False)

  • Hi, I find that this doesnt seem to work as i hit the limit i believe (400 error). Is there a way to adjust for that (some kind of sleep function?)
  • Hi Shadeun. i just checked my code and we do it in a bit of a lazy fashion. we just go through them, and when we get an error, we wait 10 seconds and then try again (for max 20 times). give that a shot