How to implement the below Eikon Excel RHistory function in Eikon Data API ?

A client would like to know how to implement the below Eikon Excel RHistory function in Eikon Data API :

=@RHistory("0005.HK","TRDPRC_1.Timestamp;TRDPRC_1.Value;TRDPRC_1.Volume","START:09-Aug-2021:09:00 END:09-Aug-2021:09:30 INTERVAL:TICK",,"SORT:ASC CH:Fd",B2)


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    You can use the get_timeseries method to get tick historical data. The code is:

    ek.get_timeseries("0005.HK", interval="tick", start_date="2021-08-09T01:00:00", end_date="2021-08-09T01:30:00")

    The time is in GMT. The output is:

