RDP IPA FX Volatility

I am trying to plot fx vol surf using the file I found on Git Hub in below link.


File name "Vol Surfaces Webinar.ipynb". It worked for ETI option but for FX Volatility Surface, it returned error. Vol Surfaces Webinar.zip


fx_surfaces = fx_response.data.raw['data']

plot_surface(fx_surfaces, 'FxVol-USDSGD', True)


TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-23-1b085c0e4326> in <module>
1 fx_surfaces = fx_response.data.raw['data']
----> 2 plot_surface(fx_surfaces, 'FxVol-USDSGD', True)

<ipython-input-5-0e89ac2f0bf9> in plot_surface(surfaces, surfaceTag, delta_plot)
26 # When plotting FX Delta rather than Strike
27 # I'm converting the x axis value from Delta to Put Delta
---> 28 delta_axis = list(map(convert_delta, strike_axis))
29 x = np.array(delta_axis, dtype=float)
30 else:

<ipython-input-5-10b94499ab72> in convert_delta(delta)
1 def convert_delta(delta):
----> 2 if (delta<0):
3 return -delta
4 elif (delta>0):
5 return 1-delta
TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'

Best Answer

  • umer.nalla
    Answer ✓

    Hi @aya.nakamura3

    The problem seems to be that for FX, the strike_axis values now contain an at the money text value:

    [-0.1, -0.15, -0.2, -0.25, -0.3, -0.35, -0.4, -0.45, 'ATM', 0.45, 0.4, 0.35, 0.3, 0.25, 0.2, 0.15, 0.1]

    So, it would appear there has been a change to the Vol Surfaces response since when I presented the Webinar and the notebooks.

    I am not 100% sure but I think the following should fix this:

    def convert_delta(delta):

        if (delta=='ATM'):
            return 0.5
        elif (delta<0):
            return -delta
        elif (delta>0):
            return 1-delta
            return 0.5

    I have asked the IPA team to confirm if the above is correct and if there could be other text values I need to consider.

    I will update the notebook on Github once they have confirmed the corrections.


  • Hi @aya.nakamura3

    The IPA team advised a different solution, they suggested I change the original request to something like:

    "universe": [
                  "underlyingType": "Fx",
                  "surfaceTag": "FxVol-USDSGD",
                  "underlyingDefinition": {
                    "fxCrossCode": "USDSGD"
                  "surfaceLayout": {
                    "format": "Matrix",
                    "yValues": [ "-0.1","-0.15","-0.2","-0.25","-0.3","-0.35","-0.4","-0.45","0.5","0.45","0.4","0.35","0.3","0.25","0.2","0.15","0.1"]
                  "surfaceParameters": {
                    "xAxis": "Date",
                    "yAxis": "Delta",
                    "calculationDate": "2018-08-20T00:00:00Z",
                    "returnAtm": "False",

    The changes above would avoid having to change the convert_delta() function.

    I am holding off updating the Github file for now - as there is another issue in the notebook I have spotted (not related to the above Vol Surface)

  • @umer.nalla Thank you very much! It worked!