OMM viewer cannot connect to LPC

i have installed LPC 1.2.0.L1 , with the testclient command i can get data as shown below.

./testclient -S ELEKTRON_DD -p 14002 -X -d3 -m -v rssl -u user01 -h -itemList EUR=

installed OMM Viewer 8 , but its not connecting, i am unable to get the service name , Screen shot attached. is there any settings i can look for ?





Best Answer

  • Hello @denis.gomes ,

    From the screenshot t looks like the Login response on OMM Viewer is not populated. Consequently, services drop-down does not populate either.

    This can be happening because LPC returns in the login response additional helpful attributes that are RTO driven, however, not recognized by some versions of RFA Java 8.

    I would suggest testing with OMM Viewer from the latest version of RFA Java 8 that can be downloaded from Refinitiv Robust Foundation API (RFA) - Java -> Downloads or My Refinitiv -> Software Downloads.

    I have just verified that the latest version available rfaj8.2.1.L3.all.rrg connects to LPC successfully.


  • Hello @zoya.farberov ,

    i managed to download above RFA, will you please let me know as how i can use this with OMM as i am not developer and dont know how i can link this ?



  • its working ok now , as i replaced rfa.jar from OMM viewers lib folder.

    thanks you.