TickHistoryRawExtractionRequest REST API throws an error using Curl



  • Hello @rahul.deshmukh ,

    Working with RTH REST via curl is stable. However, curl is a test tool, rather then a programming language. Requests via curl returns a lot of verbose output that you have indicated you would prefer not to have.

    Have you had a chance to review Programming Without SDK tutorials? They go over the recommended steps and link to RTH Downloads that includes RTH Python Code Samples.

    I would suggest using On Demand examples, rather then Scheduled ( please see tutorials for the complete information on both) and replace the request in the example (IntradayBars request) with your required RTH request (TickHistoryRaw).

  • @rahul.deshmukh ,

    To my best understanding, you can use the output from curl any way that you require, i.e. disregard any output that you do not require, selecting what you need.

    Please note, we are not the owner/provider of curl, it is a licensed tool that the public has the option to use, free of charge, plus there are different versions of it available from different providers?

    Hope this helps

  • @zoya.farberov thanks very much ...we are here new to Python but definately if it makes the enviornment more stable without performance issue then we would definately like to try the example which you have provided and use Python for RTH REST ...i will let you know in case i face any issue while using this code for RTH Rest....
  • @zoya.farberov thanks the demo example is working in python environment...just few questions...

    1) As we have 3000 Identifiers list what is the best practice in terms of performance, stability and without loss of data to send this Identifier request to the RTH REST ? Should we send the Identifier request one by one to the RTH REST or bulk Identifier request for example 500 Identifier request in one RTH REST request and then another 500 Identifier request and so on.. ?

    2) In demo example i see comments in some parts where it says the example is for demo purpose only and in production it will create problem...what does this actually mean and where do we need to update the code ?

    3) As we are expecting huge volume of data from RTH REST from the 3000 Identifier list, we are thinking to send either one by one Identifier request or bulk Identifier(500 in one request) to the RTH REST and then get the data from this REST, store the data in the csv zip file like given in demo example and then load the data into database table....And then do another Identifier request to the REST, just delete the previous csv zip file, fetch the data from REST and load into database table and the process goes on until all the 3000 Identifier request has been sent to the REST...Is this good approach considering Volumne of data and performance ?