GetSymbology function in ekiondataAPI does not return results for conversion from ISIN to RIC code.

List<SymbologyType> toSymbolType = new List<SymbologyType> {SymbologyType.RIC };

var responseSymbol = eikon.GetSymbology(isin, SymbologyType.ISIN, toSymbolType);

{series [ error => series [ XS1816199373 => No best match available; US900123BY51 => No best match available; TRT120822F16 => No best match available; US900123BZ27 => No best match available; TRT140723F14 => No best match available; ... ; US900123CM05 => No best match available]]}

What should I do to reach the RIC code from the ISIN code?

Best Answer

  • @ugurdeniz.sahin So the service cannot find a best match for the isin so it returns the message no best match - for such outcomes try setting the best_match = False parameter and it will return a list of instruments it thinks are relevant. Usually it is the top one in the list.

    df = ek.get_symbology('XS1816199373', from_symbol_type='ISIN', to_symbol_type='RIC',best_match=False)


    I hope this can help.


  • Can the getdata function be used in this sense?

  • @ugurdeniz.sahin So I checked with the following and I believe it is using the first RIC of best_match = False return set:

    df,err = ek.get_data('XS1816199373',['TR.InstrumentDescription','TR.RIC'])


    So if that is ok for you go ahead.

    You could also try to use the RDP Search API to confirm correctness of those edge cases:

    import refinitiv.dataplatform as rdp
    session = rdp.open_desktop_session('YOUR APP KEY HERE')"XS1816199373")


    I hope this can help.