Unable to get I/B/E/S estimates data via Eikon Data API (Refinitiv Workspace user)


I have a client who's having issues retrieving data and getting the following error:

Code 403, Message: {"error":{"id":"5b035613-827a-44a3-857e-ae2407feee9e","code":"insufficient_scope","message":"access denied. Scopes required to access the resource: [trapi.data.est.sum]. Missing scopes: [trapi.data.est.sum]","status":"Forbidden"}}

I use the following endpoint and my credentials are correct as I am able to get historical price data


Attached is the script he is using to retrieve I/B/E/S estimates data.ibes.txt

Best Answer

  • umer.nalla
    Answer ✓

    Hi @thekatling

    Is the customer connecting using a username (email address) or their MachineID?

    Can they consume the same data using the API playground?

    The above error message means their credentials don't have the correct RDP licence to consume the particular endpoint they are trying to request data from.

    Please speak to the customer's account team to ensure the correct licences are applied to their account.
