How to get dividend yield on monthly frequency using eikon api for python

How to get dividend yield on monthly frequency using eikon api for python

Best Answer

  • raksina.samasiri
    Answer ✓

    Hi @rsharan ,

    You may use the code below,

    • 'Frq': 'M' is data frequency (M = month)
    • SDate: the start date of the data
    • EDate: the end date of the data
    rics = ['SGRO.L', 'VOD.L', '0005HK']
    fields = ['TR.DividendYield', '', 'TR.DividendYield.calcdate', 'TR.DividendYield.period']

    df, err = ek.get_data(rics, fields, {'Frq': 'M', 'SDate': '2021-01-01','EDate': '2021-08-01'})


    please note that you can check the field description or search for the field you're interested in using 'Data Item Browser' of Eikon Desktop app
