How to enter a "Custom Eq" order via REDI API

Hi, I want to trade the attached trade via the REDI API. It's a diagonal options trade with an equity leg. On the UI it becomes a "Custom Eq" trade but that's not a valid entry for COMPLEXORDER.Strategy. Is it possible to structure this kind of order via the API? Thanks


Best Answer

  • Hi @DDALY ,

    Please see below...

    This one is a bit tricky.

    1. The Symbol needs to be set before Strategy.
    2. You need to set the Strategy = "Buy-Write".
    3. You need to add the equity leg second, and the second option leg needs to have the same number as the equity leg. If you add another option leg (not shown here), it would be "3".

    Hope this helps!


    Sub SendCustomEq()

    Dim myerr As Variant
    Dim rtnVal As Variant

    Dim hOrder As New COMPLEXORDER

    ' Complex options order header ---------------------------

    hOrder.SetSymbol 0, "VICI"
    hOrder.Strategy = "Buy-Write"
    hOrder.SetExchange 0, "DEM2 DMA"
    hOrder.SetPriceType 0, "Market"
    hOrder.SetTIF 0, "Day"
    hOrder.SetQuantity 0, 1

    'Leg 1 of Custom Eq (First leg has to be option order)

    hOrder.SetSide 1, "Buy"
    hOrder.SetPosition 1, "Open"
    hOrder.SetOptType 1, "Put"
    hOrder.SetMonth 1, "Jan '23"
    hOrder.SetStrike 1, "30.00"
    hOrder.SetAccount 1, "DEMO2"

    'Leg 2 (Equity Leg)

    hOrder.SetSide 2, "Buy"
    hOrder.SetAccount 2, "DEMO2"

    'Leg 3 of Custom Eq

    hOrder.SetSide 2, "Sell"
    hOrder.SetPosition 2, "Open"
    hOrder.SetOptType 2, "Put"
    hOrder.SetMonth 2, "Dec '21"
    hOrder.SetStrike 2, "25.00"
    hOrder.SetAccount 2, "DEMO2"

    rtnVal = hOrder.Submit(myerr)

    If Not rtnVal Then
    If myerr <> "" Then
    MsgBox myerr
    MsgBox "Failed - Please Contact REDI Support."
    End If
    MsgBox "Submitted"
    End If

    End Sub


  • Hi @DDALY ,

    We're checking on this and will come back ASAP.


  • Thanks Brian, Will wait for your update. If that's not doable then I'll go with the diagonal options trade to market plus the equity leg staged.


  • @brian.mullane, This is a great solution - the result is exactly the same as my manually entered order. Thanks a lot for working it out!