How to find OPRA code using stock+exp+strike via REDI API

GetOptionL1Value() requires the OPRA code as below:-

tmpVal = L1Cache.GetOptionL1Value("VICI M2023D350000", "PUT_AskPrice", askPx)

But if I only have the stock+exp+strike how can I find the OPRA code? Is there a lookup function? Thanks

Best Answer

  • Hi @DDALY ,

    We have two tools that will help you find the OPRA code.

    • Option Synbology Tool - you enter in the display name for the option (i.e. what you see in the Option Montage title bar in REDI) and it shows the relevant OPRA code.
    • Options Quote Monitor - you enter in the display name of the option and will see the relevant OPRA code (plus market data)

    Hope this helps...



  • Thanks @brian.mullane. The DispSymToOpra() function in the Options Symbology Tool looks like it will do the job. I'll try it out and let you know if any probs.