RMTES support in EMA Java

In RFA Java there is RMTES support included via a RmtestCharsetProvider which allows to convert a String to a RMTES byte buffer and vice versa. Is there something similar in EMA Java?

Best Answer

  • @AHofer

    The RmtestCharsetProvider class is undocumented. I am not sure how you can use it.

    The Enterprise Message API (EMA) provides a built-in RMTES decoder. If needed, the application can cache RmtesBuffer objects and apply all received changes to them. For more information, please to the ex310_MP_Rmtes example in the EMA Java package.

    You can also create a field entry that contains the RMTES buffer with the following code.

     EmaFactory.createFieldEntry().rmtes(212, ByteBuffer.wrap("Market Maker".getBytes()));