How to get the category of an asset?


When searching an asset using datastream, there is a category column on the left to narrow down the search result. My question is: given a specific asset, how can I get its category? In other words, is there a datastream datatype for "category"? I know there is a "TYPE" datatype but they are still a little bit different.

Best Answer

  • Hi @wangh9 ,

    Have you had a look at the Data Type search? There you can find fields for any asset type.


    df  = ds.get_data(tickers='613XGU',

    Returns 'BD '

    df = ds.get_data(tickers = "RMCPANNL", # be careful not to put spaces in between elements here, or else these spaces will be included in column names.
    fields = ["TYPE"],

    Returns 'EC '

    These are described in the 'TYPE' data definition:


    Is this satisfactory? It's not exactly like the Datastream Navigator Categories...