OPTIONORDER.GetExchangeCount() returns no exchanges

Hi, ORDER.GetExchangeCount() returns a full count of destinations for me but OPTIONORDER.GetExchangeCount() does not. NOTE: I can see the destinations for options orders in the UI. The actual return value of these functions is Empty for ORDER and False for OPTIONORDER. Permissions issue? Thanks


Best Answer

  • Hi @DDALY ,

    Have you checked out the sample code in this sheet? Here, you're setting the order object with the symbol, type, date, etc for the option order, then retrieving the values.

    Here, I return a value of 201 (on my test ID).


    Sub LoadDestList()

    Dim I As Integer
    Dim NamedRng As String
    Dim cnt As Variant
    Dim Dest As Variant
    Dim DestTemp As Variant
    Dim RetVal As Variant
    Dim RetVal2 As Variant
    Dim RNGSort As String
    Dim obj As Object
    Dim FindDest As String
    Dim COL As Long
    Dim RNGCut As String
    Dim MSG As String
    Dim exch As Variant
    Dim objRegExp As New RegExp
    Dim strPattern As String: strPattern = "[ ][A-Z]"
    Dim regEx As New RegExp
    Dim Myrange As Range
    Dim inputMatches As Object
    Dim Count As Integer: Count = 0

    Dim hOrder As New OPTIONORDER

    hOrder.symbol = UCase(Worksheets("REDIOptionOrderEntry").Cells(2, "C").Value)
    hOrder.Type = Worksheets("REDIOptionOrderEntry").Cells(3, "C").Value
    hOrder.Date = Worksheets("REDIOptionOrderEntry").Cells(4, "C").Value
    hOrder.Strike = Worksheets("REDIOptionOrderEntry").Cells(5, "C").Value
    RetVal = hOrder.GetExchangeCount(cnt)

    Worksheets("REDISettings").Range("D3:D1000").Interior.Color = RGB(242, 242, 242)

    For I = 0 To cnt - 1
    exch = hOrder.GetExchangeAt(I)

    'Debug.Print exch & " " & I

    With regEx
    .Global = True
    .MultiLine = True
    .IgnoreCase = False
    .Pattern = strPattern
    End With

    If regEx.Test(exch) Then
    Set inputMatches = regEx.Execute(exch)

    'Debug.Print exch & " " & inputMatches.Count
    If inputMatches.Count = 1 Then
    Worksheets("REDISettings").Cells(Count + 3, "D").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    Worksheets("REDISettings").Cells(Count + 3, "D").Borders.Color = RGB(234, 234, 234)
    Worksheets("REDISettings").Cells(Count + 3, "D").Value = exch
    Count = Count + 1
    End If
    End If

    Next I

    Worksheets("REDISettings").Range("D3:D" & Count + 2).Sort Key1:=Worksheets("REDISettings").Range("D3:D" & Count + 2), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
    OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal

    NamedRng = "=REDISettings!R3C4:R" & Count + 2 & "C4"
    Names.Add Name:="Destinations", RefersToR1C1:=NamedRng
    End Sub


  • Hi @brian.mullane, Ok so the order object needed more details. That's working for me now. Thanks a lot!

  • Hi @brian.mullane, I'm having a problem with data for one of our production users. The destination he uses on the UI is "IBCO DMA" as per screenshot.

    However if I try to get destinations in code (below) using the same order details, I only get "IBO2 DMA". Any ideas?

    Sub GetOptionDest()

        Dim hOrder As New OPTIONORDER
        Dim RetVal, I, cnt, exch
        hOrder.Symbol = "VICI"
        hOrder.Type = "Put"
        hOrder.Date = "Jan '23"
        hOrder.Strike = 30
        RetVal = hOrder.GetExchangeCount(cnt)
        For I = 0 To cnt - 1
            exch = hOrder.GetExchangeAt(I)
            Cells(I + 2, 5).Value = exch
        Next I
    End Sub
  • Hello @DDALY ,

    I would try to populate as in example

     hOrder.Symbol = "SPX"
    hOrder.Type = "Call"
    hOrder.Date = "Dec '21"
    hOrder.Strike = "3800"
    hOrder.OptionSymbol = "SPX"

    let us know if this makes a difference?

  • Hi @zoya faberov, No unfortunately that didn't help. Also I get the same problem listing the destination for equity orders. If I set up the basic order details in the ORDER object and retrieve the exchanges I can't see "IBCO DMA" which is what the user selects for equity orders via the UI. Please let me know if you have any other ideas, otherwise I might just set up the desired destinations in the application config. Thanks!

    [Also I saw you comment - NOTED - in future I'll create a new question]

  • Hi @DDALY ,

    I think I understand what is going on. At first I thought the user was not able to populate the destinations correctly, so I have approached from that assumption.

    Please refer to REDI Destination Name Mappings doc.

    See below:


    "IBCO DMA" is "IBO2 DMA", per programmatic interface.

  • Hi @zoya faberov, Yes this makes sense now. I confirmed that an order entered with "IBO2 DMA" via the API shows up on the UI as "IBCO DMA" so we're all set. Thanks so much!