Officer and directors data


I am trying to access Officer&Directors data through the Eikon API. I cannot get the full history but only the most recent observation. Here is an example of the code:

    dt, err = ek.get_data(instr,['', 
                                {'SDate': '2010-01-01','EDate':'0', 'Frq':'Y'})

Here is the output:

                                        Officer Title  ... Officer Title Since
0      Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer  ...                2021
1                                       Vice Chairman  ...                2021
2   Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer  ...                2018
3           Senior Vice President and General Counsel  ...                2015
4                          Vice President, Controller  ...                2017
5                           Lead Independent Director  ...                2005
6                                Independent Director  ...                2020
7                                Independent Director  ...                2012
8                                Independent Director  ...                2015
9                                Independent Director  ...                2019
10                                                     ...                <NA>

Does anyone have any idea how I can get the history? Specifically, what I am looking at is just the name and bio info of the CEO per year.


Best Answer

  • Hi @sc11214 ,

    When looking on the Data Item Browser, I can see that elements such as TR.OfficerTitle are static fields, not Time Series ones. Static fields do not change with specified dates in parameters.

    Static fields have a parameters tab that look like this:


    Time Series fields have a parameters tab that look like this (with a 'series' tickbox'):



  • Hi @sc11214 ,

    It seems as though the API call (as it is) does provide the name of CEOs. Have you got an example of the bio you're also after? What do you expect in such a bio?

  • @jonathan.legrand Yes I get the CEO name but I need an history. From the call I only get the most recent CEO. For what concern the bio I am not too worried about it. Age, and sex would do. What I really care about is the history of the name, i.e., who was the CEO in 2010, 2011, ...

  • Hi @sc11214 ,

    You can look for Time Series Fields only on the Data Item Browser via the cog at the top right of the screen:


    Please do let me know if you find the data item you're looking for. Else, please note that this forum is for API-related issues. If you have a content question, please direct it to the helpdesk.

  • @jonathan.legrand Thanks for your response. I'll talk to the helpdesk then to understand why there are not time-series data for directors (there should be in theory, I though there was a problem with my API request)

  • @sc11214 Is there any update on this? Could the helpdesk help and did you manage to pull historical Officer and Director information? I have the same issue right now and would be happy for any tips