How can I get the amount outstanding of municipal bonds at US county level ?

I am interested in a time series of amount outstanding for municipal debt per US county. Can I get that via the Eikon API ?

Best Answer


  • Hi @jonathan.legrand, thank you for the prompt response. I am still not 100% there.

    Yes, I know now to use TR.CA.AmtOutstanding field to get the AO of a bond. But I need to get a time series of amount outstanding of municipal bonds by US county. So what else does my problem entail that is not covered by the answer. Here are some items I can think of (but it depends on the approach):

    A. I need to pull a list of all US municipal bonds outstanding at a given time t.

    B. I need to find a field inside each of these bonds that tells me the US county that issued these bonds.

    C. I then need to GROUP the table in A BY the US county field and simply add the Amount Outstanding for that county. This part I can do on my own if I have A and B.

    Or maybe Eikon has this aggregation done somewhere already ?

    Thank you,


  • Hi @marius.popa,

    For content questions such as this one, please reach out to the Refinitiv Helpdesk.

    If you have any questions to do with the API itself however, please do not hesitate to use this Q&A forum.

  • Dear @jonathan.legrand ,

    I am following up with a question on the search API.

    Consider the following call:

    df =

    view = rdp.SearchViews.MunicipalInstruments, # a view is a logical partitition of the dataset

    top = 10000,

    filter = "Country eq 'US'",

    select = "IssuerName,CUSIP,Country,MaturityDate,IssueDate,IsActive,Ticker"


    If I set top to 10k, I get 10k rows. If I set it to a higher value (or not set it at all), I get zero rows. Can you tell me how to set it so I get all rows here. There seem to be more than 10k rows.

    Thank you,
