RDP Time Series Interday Summaries - Results different between GET and POST method


I am currently using RDP Time Series Interday Summaries.

Using GET method will return a value for the field SRC_ES_DT. The value shown is 20210920



However, using POST method, the same field SRC_ES_DT will return null. See bottom right corner of the image.



Request Body:


"universe": [ "USDONFSRF=ISDA" ], "end": "2021-09-20", "adjustments": [ "exchangeCorrection", "manualCorrection", "CCH", "CRE", "RTS", "RPO" ], "fields": [ "FIXING_1", "SRC_ES_DT" ]}

Would like to confirm if there is a bug.

I want to use POST method in order to ask for multiple instruments in a single request. Don't think it is possible using GET method.

Best Answer

  • Hi @Alan Tam,

    I don't think the two calls behave similarly - since GET is a time-series call which takes one instrument and bar rollup parameter, while the POST is a summary call. We don't know how it is summarizing the data which is causing it not to include that particular field - but this would be a good question to ask RDP product team by raising an ticket at my.refinitiv.com
