In order to do an event-study I need ESG controversy related news articles, for a large number of co

In order to do an event-study I need ESG controversy related news articles, for a large number of companies over multiple years. What is the best way of extracting this information?

Best Answer

  • Hello @lis-tisem-eikon10 ,

    I think one of the aspects to keep in mind is that Eikon Data API news history depth is 15 months, please refer to Eikon Data API Usage and Limits Guideline.

    If this is satisfactory for your use case, then the next step is to build a query that would reflect your requirement, for example:

    ek.get_news_headlines(query = 'ESG', count = 50)

    And run it iteratively, noting the timestamp of the last result, for example:

    2021-09-21 21:45:25.817
    2021-09-21 21:40:17.455

    and making the next request starting at the last date retrieved by the current request, i.e.

    ek.get_news_headlines(query = 'ESG', date_to='2021-09-21 21:40:17.455', count = 50)

    Untill the set of the relevant news items within available news depth is exhausted.

    If this does not address your organization's requirement, you can consider other product options. A good starting point should be to discuss your detailed requirements with your Refinitiv account team so that together you may arrive at the most suitable solution for your organization.

    Potentially, news information can be obtained from Refinitiv Data Platform News, it is HTTP REST -enabled interface, and Refinitiv Machine Readable News History