Thomson geographic segment


I would like to access the international market sales data available in the Thomson geographic segment for each company, can you please guide me on how to reach this data?

I appreciate your help




Best Answer

  • raksina.samasiri
    Answer ✓

    hi @yaalwaal1 ,

    you can follow this article to get the geographic segment data How to get Fundamentals Company Geographic Sales Breakdown with Eikon Data APIs | Refinitiv

    below is an example code

    df,err = ek.get_data('AAPL.O', ['TR.BGS.GeoTotalRevenue.segmentName', 'TR.BGS.GeoTotalRevenue', 'TR.CompanyName'])

    # calculate percentage
    df = df.drop(df[df['Segment Name'] == 'Segment Total'].index)
    total = df.loc[df['Segment Name'] == 'Consolidated Total', 'Geographic Total Revenues (Calculated)'].values[0]


    screenshot of the output geo-seg.png

    Plus, to see the description and parameters that can be used with this field, you can check in Data Item Browser app on Eikon desktop (search for DIB in Eikon search bar)
