empty source refresh message from ads

If we receive an empty “Source Refresh” message from the ADS

. Do we receive a “Source Update” message with “Service Down” prior to above

. If we don’t receive a “Source” update do we have to set service down for all prior services.

client's scenario is different, so as an example let’s say we start the system. The first “Source” message is a “Source Refresh” message which contains the services; cERT, CDERT, CNB_ERT, and ERT which typically have a service up state. We then receive “Source Updates” messages from this point on with associated service changes (Capabilities, Qos. State UP/DOWN, Accepting Requests, status ….).

Under certain conditions I see “Source Refresh” which is empty (no services). Should the course of action be to fabricate a service down state for all the items previously requested in the service, remove all the services, and wait for those services to return. If they are returned, will it be from a “Source Refresh” or a “Source Update”.

Best Answer

  • Hello @Anup.Patel and all,

    After the detailed investigation, the conclusion was, that if the empty source directory refresh message is not accompanied by the clear cache flag, then the empty source directory message should be ignored by the consumer, and the previously communicated source directory state is valid and should remain without any changes.


  • Hi Zoya, client tried to reproduce the problem under several different scenarios and was unsuccessful. Had the dev team review the code which showed that we can receive an empty “Source Refresh” message.

    Regardless of whether we can reproduce this problem Reuters should give us guidance on the proper course of action. can think of two; either not taking any action or marking items as SUBJECT and wait for the next Source message.

  • Yes they are connecting to local RTDS
  • Hi Zoya, client tried to reproduce the problem under several different scenarios and was unsuccessful. Had the dev team review the code which showed that we can receive an empty “Source Refresh” message.

    Regardless of whether we can reproduce this problem Reuters should give us guidance on the proper course of action. can think of two; either not taking any action or marking items as SUBJECT and wait for the next Source message.

  • Hello @Anup.Patel,

    I think we both would agree that what you describe does not appear to be a common scenario.

    In order to be able to handle it, I think we need to understand under what circumstances it can happen.

    I fully agree that there could be a couple of ways to handle, however, I think the best course depends on the cause(s) of it happening? As well as if there is any consequent fully populated state guaranteed to be conveyed, i.e. if the empty message can be considered strictly intermittent?

    Would have been helpful, I think, to have a sample of this message captured, and/or to learn more of the way to reproduce it, but as the issue is not readily reproducible, it appears to be hard to reproduce as well, I think we should investigate it in depth, by creating a case with RTDS support, with all the known details, and try to arrive at what we do not know.

    Does this make sense?

    Would you like to open one directly, including any relevant details, and include me, or I open one on your behalf?

  • Hi @zoya faberov,

    We are also facing the same issue, and as per recommendation, we are ignoring Service Refresh message without RDM_DR_RFF_CLEAR_CACHE.

    This is happening in our customers side, but I am not able to re-produce this. Is there any way to re-produce ServiceRefresh message?
