Error while building Application

I have downloaded Refinitiv SDK from github link.  I am getting this error while building 

make[2]: *** No rule to make target 'RTSDK-BinaryPack_dacs_LIBRARY-NOTFOUND', needed by '../Cpp-C/Eta/Executables/UBU16_64_GCC740/Optimized/authlock'. Stop.

To build , First I ran this command

  1. cmake -H/home/khushboo/NDF_GITHUB/Real-Time-SDK-master/ -Bbuild
  2. Then make in build directory

Best Answer


  • Thank you for your response @Gurpreet .

    As you suggested first I am following this Build system guide .

    In this I am getting some other like this .

    Prebuilt libraries not found: librssl_LIBRARY_OPTIMIZED-NOTFOUND, in

    I am trying to build on UBUNTU Linux.

  • Ok, you downloaded the SDK from github, which does not include the binary files - RSSL protocol which is used in the SDK is not open source, and hence not uploaded to github. Please download the SDK package from downloads and try again.

  • This error comes when I am running on Dowloaded package from downloads

    Prebuilt libraries not found: librssl_LIBRARY_OPTIMIZED-NOTFOUND, in
  • What linux/compiler version etc are you using?

  • @khushboo.kumari

    The RTSDK doesn't support Ubuntu. It supports Oracle Linux, Redhat, and Centos.

    Please refer to the supported operating systems and compilers in the API Compatibility Matrix.