How can I access the Eikon API in R? I have read about the 'eikonapir' package but it seems rather d

How can I access the Eikon API in R? I have read about the 'eikonapir' package but it seems rather dated by now and it is not on CRAN either. Is that the only way?.

Best Answer

  • @martijn.rats The eikonapir package was a community package which I believe is no longer being worked on or maintained. One of our very talented customers has built an excellent R library for their own use - but has very kindly open-sourced it. It uses our python Eikon Data API and R interop via reticulate. Additionally, it has support for Datastream in R and also more recently R support for Refinitiv Data Platform is also added. You can find it here. I would recommend you use this excellent package instead. I hope this can help.