can one access background information pages from Refinitiv Data Platform?


Is it possible to access background information pages such as RUB/BKGDINFO from the Python based Refinitiv Data Platform package?

If so, how?

thanks in advance.


Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    You can subscribe and get data from RRT Optimized using websockets and Python. There is no released RESTful endpoint in Refinitiv Data Platform which provides this information.

    RECEIVED on session1:
    "ROW80_10":"Decimal Precision.....................4 Period...........................1Y-10Y",
    "ROW80_11":" Delimiter.............................=",
    "ROW80_12":"=FOREX FORWARDS======================== ",
    "ROW80_13":"Scaling Factor........................4 Annual Money,.Act/Act vs 1W RUB Keyrate",
    "ROW80_14":"(i.e. scaled up by 4 decimal places) Currency............................RUB",
    "ROW80_15":" Fixed Rate...........................QM",
    "ROW80_16":"=DEPOSITS============================== Floating Rate............1W RUB Keyrate",
    "ROW80_17":"Days to Deposit.......................1 Period...........................3M-10Y",
    "ROW80_18":" ",
    "ROW80_19":"=GENERAL=============================== =Currency Controls=====================",
    "ROW80_2":"The below outlines key Russian Rouble information in ",
    "ROW80_20":"Domestic Days Basis.............Act/Act Pegged...............................NO",
    "ROW80_21":"Euro Area Days Basis................360 Deliverable.................NO <NDF/12>",
    "ROW80_22":" ",
    "ROW80_24":"Main Index <REFINITIV> Money Index <MONEY> RUR Money Index<RUB/1> ",
    "ROW80_25":"Lost? Selective Access?..<USER/HELP> Refinitiv Phone Support..<PHONE/HELP> ",
    "ROW80_3":"accordance with generally accepted rules in the Foreign Exchange & Money markets",
    "ROW80_4":" ",
    "ROW80_5":"=FOREX SPOT============================ =SWAP BASIS============================",
    "ROW80_6":"Days to Today.........................0 Annual Money,....Act/Act vs 3M MOSPRIME",
    "ROW80_7":"Days to Tomorrow......................1 Currency............................RUB",
    "ROW80_8":"Days to Spot..........................1 Fixed Rate...........................AM",
    "ROW80_9":"Reciprocal (Inverse to USD)..........NO Floating Rate...............3M MOSPRIME",


  • How does this work exactly?

    Do you have more detail?


  • If you have credentials to the Refinitiv Real Time Optimized in cloud, then use the Service Discovery example from github or better follow the quickstart guide here. Use additional command line argument:

    --ric "RUB/BKGDINFO"

    to get data for your instrument.