How to get Industry classification, Country classification & S&P rating from CDS in Datastream pytho


For some Credit Default Swaps such as "Aegon N V Senior CR14 6 Months United States Dollar" with mnemomi "AEN0$AC", I want to obtain the Industry classification, Country classification & S&P rating. How do I do that using the python module DatastreamDSWS and the get_data("AEN0$AC" ,......) function or can I request it via the datastream web explorer ?


industry, country, SPrating= get_data("AEN0$AC" ,......)

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    According to the Datastream Navigator website, there are 64 data types available in the Credit Default Swaps category. The Industry classification, Country classification, and S&P rating fields are not on the list.


    I assume that those fields are not available in the Credit Default Swaps category.

    Please contact the Datastream support team directly via MyRefinitiv to confirm it.