Channel Callback Client recieved ChannelDownReconnecting Message

Hello :)

I saw the error message like below a few hours ago.

After Nasdaq market opened, the message occured.

What is ChannelDownReconnecting?

    ClientName: ChannelCallbackClient
    Severity: Warning
    Text:    Received ChannelDownReconnecting event on channel DATA_CHANNEL_1
        RsslReactor =====
        RsslChannel =====
        Error Id 0
        Internal sysError 0
        Error Location null
        Error text Connection reset

Best Answer


  • Hello @goodsgjung ,

    This likely means that channel was down and EMA API was working to recover it.

    You may wish to review the discussion of "Single Open" concept in EMA RDM Guide. By default, an EMA consumer is utilizing "Single Open" and upon connection loss, EMA API attempts to recover the channel without action required from app developer. Once the channel is re-established, EMA attempts to re-subscribe any existent item streams. It is possible to modify this behavior, via attributes passed, please find the details in RDM guide.