Getting MONitor list of the user

Hi Experts,

Is there a smart way to get a list of MONs created by the user using rdp endpoint?

Currently the only option I have found is:
rdp.get_data("MONITOR('monitor_name')",["TR.CommonName"]) however it is extremely slow comparing to e.g. search endpoint.

Any other idea how to check whether the MONitor with that name exists or get the list of them all? I see couple of endpoints but no luck in finding the one fetching user MONs



Best Answer

  • Hi Marcin,

    For now I would recommend using EDAPI module in RDP library to retrieve the data you're interested in.


    Other than this, I don't believe there's any alternative at this time for retrieving the constituents of Eikon / Refinitiv Workspace user's Monitor lists programmatically.