Python code to pull the TimeAndSales RIC data

Hi, After receiving status_code = 200, what is the correct way to pull the data based on JobId in my code below? print(f'Received status code which is not 202: {request_status}') # Successful if request_status == 200: print("Received status code 200") keys = resp.json().keys() if 'JobId' in keys: JobId = resp.json()['JobId'] extract_url = "" import pdb pdb.set_trace() resp1 = requests.get(extract_url + "('" + JobId + "')/$value", headers=request_headers) print("result:", resp1) return resp1 else: print(keys) print(resp.json())

Best Answer

  • Hello @dilip.kha ,

    Have you downloaded examples RTH Python Code Samples ?

    Are you looking at the example

    Do you see in code:

    #Step 4: get the extraction results, using the received jobId.
    #Decompress the data and display it on screen.
    #Skip this step if you asked for a large data set, and go directly to step 5 !

    Prior to this in

    #Step 2: send an on demand extraction request using the received token 

    Is where I was suggesting to replace TickHistoryIntradaySummariesExtractionRequest with your required request.


    I have adapted this sample for T&S use before, perhaps you will find this change useful, please find it attached.
