Is Starmine DATA available on CODEBOOK

Is Starmine DATA available on CODEBOOK

Best Answer

  • @roopa.naganath You can see what Starmine data and Analytics are available using the Data Item Browser App (type DIB into Eikon Search) and open the filter panel and highlight the Starmine content set and all the available fields, descriptions and parameters will be revealed.:


    I hope this can help.


  • Hi @roopa.naganath ,

    Regarding the answer from this thread, Starmine stuff can be fetched using the code below (the first two rows are for import Eikon library and setting the app key)

    import refinitiv.dataplatform.eikon as ek

    df,err = ek.get_data(["AAPL.O"], ['TR.RelValEvSalesComponent','TR.RelValEvEbitdaComponent','TR.RelValPeComponent','TR.RelValPriceCashFlowComponent','TR.RelValPriceBookComponent','TR.RelValDividendYieldComponent','TR.RelValEVSalesNTM','TR.RelValEVEBITDANTM','TR.RelValPENTM','TR.RelValPriceCashFlowNTM','TR.RelValPriceBookNTM','TR.RelValDividendYieldNTM','TR.TRBCEconomicSector','TR.TRBCIndustryGroup'])


    Hope this could help