REST API to submit challenges to evaluated prices

We have a contract for end of day evaluated prices to support valuation control process. We refer to those prices as EJV internally. They are evaluated end of day prices. As part of that process we're looking to submit challenges if we think those prices are not accurate. Looking for web service that would take those challenges as well as format of request and response.

Thank you


Best Answer

  • Hello @igor.tereshin ,

    We can submit challenges via DSS REST API, via EvaluationConnect interface. The best way to learn all about this is to download DSS REST C# Example GUI application from DSS Downloads and use it to explore this functionality:


    1. Authentication -> Request Token

    2. Evaluation Connect -> Create Confirm Challenge

    Please also find the complete spec for EvaluationConnect via REST API Reference Tree:


    Please let us know if this information covers what you are looking for?


  • We plan to submit challenges using DSS REST API.

  • Hello @igor.tereshin ,

    If you are accessing end of day evaluated prices using DSS REST API (you did not confirm that the product you use/plan to use is Datascope Select (DSS is our reference product, and the other option can be a Realtime price feed), than the complete specification documentation of all available DSS REST requests is made available via DSS REST API Reference Tree, valid DSS credentials are required to access this portal. Spec for available DSS content with field decriptions can be found in Refinitiv DataScope Select Data Content Guide, tab "Field Descriptions".

    I do not believe that this capability is available in DSS.

    However, I am also also going to try to verify the availability with DSS product expert group.