EMA: What does the '0' mean for returned 'handle' during registerClient?

For the 'handle' returned by the following statement:

long handle = consumer.registerClient( EmaFactory.createReqMsg().serviceName("ELEKTRON_DD").name(itemName), appClient);

What does '0' mean by EMA design? i.e., the scenario to return '0'


Best Answer

  • Hi @Frederic

    According to the EMA Java documentation for OmmConsumer.registerClient():

    This method is ObjectLevelSafe if OmmConsumerErrorClient is used and an error condition is encountered, then null handle is returned.

    Is there a particular usage that is giving a 0 return value?


  • no particular usage. Just curious about this and would like to know the behavior of 0 return value by design. Does 0 return value mean 'null handle'?
  • Hi @Frederic

    the return value is meant to be a handle for your item stream - so if you get back 0 - then yes a null handle.