Retrieve mp3, presentation and transcripts of corporate analyst meetings eikon api

Is there any way to retrieve mp3, presentation and transcripts of corporate analyst meetings via the eikon api?

Regarding the transcripts, I read that it seems not to be possible to get them but I was thinking that there should be a way to get the list of events via news searching (as opposed to the events app). From them on it simple.

Anyway, I could use some help in retrieving the presentations and mp3s


Best Answer

  • @mbraun.ese You can retrieve news for just transcripts which can give you the data and time of the release. Please try:

    df = ek.get_news_headlines('Source:TRANS',count=100)


    for all companies . You can see the company name in between the date and 'Earnings Call'- but if you wanted to focus on one company - say IBM:

    df = ek.get_news_headlines('Source:TRANS AND R:IBM.N',count=100)

    News History in Eikon goes back 15 months so if you wanted to get all transcripts for all companies you would need to iterate as the maximum number of headlines returned per is max 100. Remember you are only allowed 10,000 API calls per day. So be careful. Here I illustrate with 3 Days of all transcripts.

    from datetime import datetime, timedelta
    now =
    maxenddate = now - timedelta(days=3) #upto months=15
    print(now, maxenddate)
    newsdf = pd.DataFrame()

    while startdf >= maxenddate:
            df1 = ek.get_news_headlines(query ='Source:TRANS', date_to = startdf, count=100)
            startdf = df1['versionCreated'].min().replace(second=0,microsecond=0,tzinfo=None).strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M')
            startdf = datetime.strptime(startdf,'%Y/%m/%d %H:%M')
            if len(df1):
                newsdf = pd.concat([newsdf, df1], axis=0)
                newsdf = df1
        except Exception:

    I hope this can help.


  • Hello @mbraun.ese ,

    I was not aware of such content being available via EDAPI python, however, in my view, one can not go wrong by being open to learn something new, and in terms of the approach to identifying Eikon content being available via EDAPI, we can verify it with Data Item Browser(DIB) tool:


    Next I have tried to verify the second approach you mention. Refinitiv News Codes list ( download the latest from My Refinitiv -> Machine Readable News -> News Codes ) should have all the categorizations for news presently in use by Machine Readable News. This is not identical to Eikon News, but in my opinion, should give a good understanding of the classifications in place, and this not present within classification codes in use.

    And the next step I would take would be to verify the availability of this content with Refinitiv Eikon/Workspace content experts. I would suggest to do so directly via Refinitiv Helpdesk Online -> Content -> Eikon . Please let us know if you are able to proceed, or would like me to open a case on your behalf- glad to help.

  • I just got the informative stuff from your posts here & ADWEBSTUDIO can help you in solving this issue.

  • jason.ramchandani01. I can download the headlines and story id but then the story id does not lead me to the text of the transcript of the meeting but to what seems to be a webpage. When I try to open it, I get neither the transcript nor the file.

    df = ek.get_news_headlines(query='Topic:FWP AND R:HCDI.O')

    for idx, storyId in enumerate(df['storyId'].values): #for each row in our df dataframe

    newsText = ek.get_news_story(storyId) #get the news story

    df['newsText'] = newsText

    versionCreatedtextstoryIdsourceCodenewsText18:03.32021-09-27 10:27:42.613000+00:00Harbor Custom Development, Inc. -- FWPurn:newsml:<div class="storyContent" lang="en"><p><a href="reuters://screen/verb=Open/url=cpurl%3A%2F%2Fviews.cp.%2Ffilings%2Ffilings.viewer%
    2FDownload.aspx%3FDocumentId%3D55077728%26ContentFormat%3Dpdf%26ApplicationId%3DEikonNewsAlertMonitoringView" data-type="cpurl" data-cpurl="cpurl://views.cp./filings/filings.viewer/Download.aspx?DocumentId=55077728&ContentFormat=pdf&ApplicationId=EikonNewsAlertMonitoringView" translate="no">
    " target="_blank"></a></p></div>;



  • That didn't paste correctly, sorry.



    2021-09-27 10:27:42.613000+00:00


    Harbor Custom Development, Inc. -- FWP






    <div class="storyContent" lang="en"><p><a href="reuters://screen/verb=Open/url=cpurl%3A%2F%2Fviews.cp.%2Ffilings%2Ffilings.viewer%
    2FDownload.aspx%3FDocumentId%3D55077728%26ContentFormat%3Dpdf%26ApplicationId%3DEikonNewsAlertMonitoringView" data-type="cpurl" data-cpurl="cpurl://views.cp./filings/filings.viewer/Download.aspx?DocumentId=55077728&ContentFormat=pdf&ApplicationId=EikonNewsAlertMonitoringView" translate="no">
    " target="_blank"></a></p></div>;

  • @mbraun.ese So this works for me - for a transcript news item it gets the link and opens the transcript in a new browser window:

    import re 
    import webbrowser

    text1 = ek.get_news_story('')'(https?://[^\s]+)', text1)[0])


    From there you can download the file. Is this what you want?

  • How to find the presentations? Can anyone help!