Pulling weather data through the Eikon API using python


Is there a way to pull weather forecast data through the Eikon API using python? I have attached a screen shot of the data we need to pull.image-17-r.png


Best Answer


  • Hi @matthew.holland ,

    This is not possible. Please see existing discussion on the topic.

  • @matthew.holland Please see the thread here. Unfortunately this met office data only seems to cover Europe rather than US. I believe the data in your screenshot is coming from our Point Carbon service - which is a separate product from Eikon - though some of it is displayed in Eikon it is not available via the Eikon Data API. You can request a trial from your account representative to test it out. That said, for EU at least we can get 7 day forecasts for 6 times each day. The following worked for me -

    RICS = ['DUSSEL-D1-06','DUSSEL-D1-09','DUSSEL-D1-12','DUSSEL-D1-15','DUSSEL-D1-18','DUSSEL-D1-21']
    fields = ['CF_NAME','TRADE_DATE','TRDTIM_1','GN_TX20_12','GN_TX20_14','GN_TX20_16','GN_TX20_17','GN_TX20_18']

    df,err = ek.get_data(RICS,fields)
    df.columns =['Instrument','Name','Date','Time','Temperature-C','Rainfall-mm','Wind Speed-kts','Wind Direction-Deg','Pressure-mbars']



    I will raise a separate content query for you on this case but cant open the case at present as I think the service is down temporarily. I will post the case number back here as soon as I have one. Apols. I hope this can help.

  • @matthew.holland I have opened case number 10679343 on your behalf and someone from our content team will reach out to you directly. Apols for delay.