Can I use python-API without having Eikon installed in the computer?

Hi Team,

Good day.

Client is asking if he can use python-API without having Eikon installed in the PC. There is a possibility that they will be switching to "web access" and will have the software removed from their computer. Client is getting an error when running the API without having Eikon software open. Would you please provide recommendation on this?

Thank you.

Best Answer


  • Hi @VyaJunaine.Gutierrez

    Does the client want to run their application using their own Python environment without Eikon? Or do they prefer to run their application within a hosted runtime site? If the latter, they could possibly use CodeBook.

  • Hi @nick.zincone

    Let me confirm this with the Client and will get back to you once received.


  • Hi @VyaJunaine.Gutierrez, just as clarification, as per this article, RD can only be used with one of two sessions called ‘desktop’ and ‘platform’. When using the desktop session, one needs to have either their Eikon Desktop App or their Workspace Desktop App running on the machine on which the API is being used; this is not required when using the platform session. You will need to contact your Account Manager (possibly via to check if you are liable for a license that allows 'platform sessions'. You will need to use the RD Lib. (or the LD Lib.), and not EDAPI, to access this 'platform session' functionality.