Is there a solution to access the APIR code identifier on Eikon

Hi, I'm trying to solve the problem of looking up the idendifier codes such as RIC, ISIN on EiKon for a given intrument specified with its APIR code? I tried get_data(instruments=['APIR code'], filed='TR.RIC'...), it doesn't work for this case. Is there another way to get access to the APIR code on Eikon?

Best Answer

  • @q.manton

    I don't think that Eikon Data API supports APIR codes. You may contact the Eikon Excel support team via MyRefinitiv to verify it.

    I found that you can use the Fund Screen App (FSCREEN) in Eikon to Convert APIR to Lipper.

    For example, I have the following APIR codes.


    Then I imported this list to FSCREEN and then generated a report. The output looks like this:


    Next, I used these RICs with Eikon Data API to get ISINs.


    For more information regarding FSCREEN, please contact the Eikon support team via MyRefinitiv.