Example of historical price and fundamental data retrieval for stocks

Could anyone please provide an example, or refer me to where i could get one, on how to get the fundamental/financial data for a stock 10 years ago?

Best Answer

  • Hi @armandnaude,

    To get say revenue for a company use the following parameters with RData class of DEX2 library:

    FieldList = "TR.Revenue.Date;TR.Revenue.Value"

    RequestParam = "Period=FY-10"

    The latter denotes that you're requesting revenue from fiscal year 10 years ago.

    Does this answer your question?

    If I can make a suggestion, I would strongly recommend to model your data retrieval using Eikon Excel, where you have wizards to figure out what parameters you need to use in =TR worksheet function. Once you figured out those parameters and once you're happy with the data =TR function returns, you can use the same parameters in RData class of DEX2 library.
