how can I retrieve quote perm id from org perm id using eikon data api

how can I retrieve quote perm id from org perm id using eikon data api

Best Answer

  • Hi @vishal.kak,

    Please find here solution provided by the Support Team:

    Unfortunately, retrieving Quote Perm ID from Org Perm ID is not available in excel. We can use Org Perm ID as in input in the TR formula using the format

     =@TR("8589934333;4295906157;4295904085;4295894489;5052531134;5072810025;4295899990","TR data item","MULTI=CODE CH=IN") 

    but there's no corresponding data item for Quote Perm ID. All the data items can be found in the formula builder, but as shown in the screenshot below, the only 'perm' data item under 'Reference & Identifies' is the Organization PermID; the only "quote" data item are primary quote RIC, and Quote ID.



    Let us know if this was helpful


  • @vishal.kak are you looking to see all quote permIDs for an org permID ie one to many, or the main quote permID for that org ie one-to-one? Please give an org permID as an example. thx

  • Please can you send code snippet in python for both

    1) all quote permIDs for an org permID ie one to many

    2) main quote permID for that org ie one-to-one

    Here are some org perm id examples

    8589934333, 4295906157, 4295904085, 4295894489, 5052531134, 5072810025, 4295899990

  • hi @vishal.kak

    This forum is dedicated to software developers using Refinitiv APIs. The moderators on this forum do not have deep expertise in every bit of content available through Refinitiv products, which is required to answer content questions such as this one. I would recommend you to contact the Eikon support team directly via MyRefinitiv. You can ask for the =TR formula in Eikon Excel which can be used to retrieve the data required.

    If the formula is available, we can apply it to the get_data method in Eikon Data API. That way a content specialist can work closely with you to find a way to get the required data and we're happy to help you apply the =TR formula with Eikon get_data method.

    However, in this case, I open case number 10911692 on behalf of you and the support team is going to contact you soon.

  • However if you are looking to retrieve the multiple quotes ( that is the different listings) for a specific company/org perm ID you may use the attached file.

    Org Perm ID to underlying RICS.xlsx.txt

    After downloading, remove `.txt` from the filename and then open it as an excel file.