Extracting deals won't working anymore when using "Form of the Deal" as a criterion

Until a few days ago, I didn't experience any issues extracting Deals using the following code:

criteria = "SCREEN(U(IN(DEALS)/*UNV:DEALSMNA*/), \
BETWEEN(TR.MnAAnnDate,19900101,20001231)/*dt:Date*/, \
IN(TR.MnAStatus,""C""), \
TR.MnADealValue(Scale=6,IncludeNull=False)>=1, \
IN(TR.MnAFormType,""A"",""AA"",""AC"",""AM"",""AR"",""M""), CURN=USD)"

display = ["TR.MnASDCDealNumber",
Deals1990_2000, er =ek.get_data(criteria,display)

However, since then running the code results in the following output (which is obviously not correct):


The issue can be solved if I remove the "TR.MnAFormType" parameter in the display list. I checked the data item browser and it seems that this is the correct parameter.

Best Answer


  • hi @flammers ,

    I put parameter debug=True in get_data function (with field "TR.MnAFormType" ) to see the JSON request and response and I got the response containing an error mentioned 'processing failed.'. So I raised case number 10744958 on your behalf in my.refinitiv.com product support. They will contact you soon to provide the support.


  • I am running into similar errors, where previously successful M&A queries have suddenly stopped working. Would love to hear the results of the support case.

  • Support told me that a team would take care of the bug over the weekend of Dec 17 and 18. Since this weekend it is not possible for me to extract deals using the API at all.