Return all active fixed-rate Australia government bonds using the function in Pyth

Return all active fixed-rate Australia government bonds using the function in Python

Best Answer

  • Hi @Edward here is an example of a code based on your specification:

    df =
    view = rdp.SearchViews.FixedIncomeInstruments,
    filter = "IssuerCountry eq 'AU' and CouponClass eq 'FIX' and \
    AssetTypeDescription eq 'Sovereign' and IsActive eq true and not(AssetStatus in ('MAT' 'DC'))",
    select = "RIC, ISIN, DocumentTitle, IssuerCountry, CouponClass, MaturityDate, IssueDate, \
    CouponRatePercent, FaceIssuedTotal, AssetTypeDescription",
    top = 10000

    In the example above I request RIC, ISIN and several other properties in my 'select' field. You may want to request other fields as well as use other filtering criteria.

    This code will provide you the list of available properties for search view 'FixedIncomeInstruments':

    meta = rdp.get_search_metadata(view = rdp.SearchViews.FixedIncomeInstruments)

    You will find a lot of useful examples of using search in this article. Additionally, this article greatly simplifies the challenges of discovering financial properties. Please refer to those for more details and specifications.

    I hope this was helpful and please feel free to let me know should you have any further questions.

    Attaching the code output here:
