How to get holdings on the fund/portfolio level?

Hello! I'm using the Eikon APIs, I'm looking to get holdings on the fund/portfolio level. On the full firm level, I can do: data, err = ek.get_data([cusip], ['TR.H.REPORTDATE', 'TR.H.HoldingCompanyName', 'TR.H.PARHELD',] However, if a firm has multiple funds invested in that CUSIP, this will return it on a firm aggregated level. I'd like to see the individual portfolio level within that firm. I've tried several things from the Data Item Browser but haven't been able to get anything to work. Is this possible? Tried ek.get_data(['91412GC86'], ['TR.H.HoldingCompanyName', 'TR.H.REPORTDATE', 'TR.H.PARHELD','TR.FundPortfolioName']). It is still aggregating at the managing firm level and is not returning any data for the individual fund names. Please help.

Best Answer

  • raksina.samasiri
    Answer ✓

    hi @Jonathan.Anota

    This forum is more for programming-type queries, rather than content queries. I would recommend you to contact the Eikon support team directly via MyRefinitiv. You can ask for the =TR formula in Eikon Excel which can be used to retrieve the data you would like to get. Then if the formula is available, we can apply it to the get_data method in Eikon Data API. That way a content specialist can work closely with you to find a way to get the required data.