RDP RICs and Topics codes

We are using the RDP stories API to retrieve stories with the following call:

GET https://api.refinitiv.com/data/news/v1/stories/{storyId}

We then read the field "subject" and "assert" to find the subjects of the story, and have the following questions:

  • Is it safe to make use of the news2000 codes with the prefix "N2:"? Are news2000 codes going to be deprecated? Should we use RCS codes instead? Is there mapping from all the news2000 codes to all the RCS codes?
  • "assert.organisationDetails.hasInstrument._symbol" contains RICs. Shall we make use of it? What is the difference between "assert.organisationDetails.hasInstrument._symbol" and "assert.sameAs._qcode"?

Best Answer

  • Hello @pevangelidis and all,

    Additional insight from our news product expert:

    • Is it safe to make use of the news2000 codes with the prefix "N2:"? Are news2000 codes going to be deprecated? Should we use RCS codes instead? Is there mapping from all the news2000 codes to all the RCS codes?

    While RCS and N2 codes are both currently supported, the RCS topic codes are deemed more strategic and have additional attached metadata such as confidence scores and provenance. Link to RDP news metadata with RCS to N2 code: https://my.refinitiv.com/content/dam/myrefinitiv/products/11528/en/Technical/630848.xlsx

    • "assert.organisationDetails.hasInstrument._symbol" contains RICs. Shall we make use of it? What is the difference between "assert.organisationDetails.hasInstrument._symbol" and "assert.sameAs._qcode"?

    For public and private company identification we would suggest leveraging the permId of the organization identified with prefix ‘P:’. Under the has instruments for public companies the primary news RIC code will be provided, but RICs can change and in actuality the RIC is a quote level identifier and there can be many RICs aligned to a organization. The sameAs code is typical for topic codes, where the RCS code

    Same as example:

    "_creator": "rftResRef:sys24",
    "_how": "howextr:tool",
    "_qcode": "M:2DZ",
    "_why": "why:inferred",
    "sameAs": [
    "_qcode": "N2:PUBL"
    "name": [
    "$": "Public Company News"

    PermId example:

      "_qcode": "P:4295904307",
    • "name": [
    • {
    • "$": "International Business Machines Corp"
    • }
    • ],
    • "type": [
    • {
    • "_qcode": "cptType:8"
    • }
    • ],
    • "organisationDetails": [
    • {
    • "hasInstrument": [
    • {
      "_symbol": "IBM.N",
    • "_symbolsrc": "symSrc:TR",
     "_type": "symType:RIC"
    • }
    • ]
    • }
    • ]
    • }
    • ],
