Field scaling is not present on update type message

Hello Guys, we are changing our connection with Refinitiv Real Time Optimized to keep the socket connection as stream mode.

In this case we are subscribing for these fields: BID, ASK, VALUE_TS1, TRADE_DATE, MID_PRICE, SCALING.

But the field SCALING is present only messages of type Refresh, when message is type Update the one is not present on the body message.

How our can get the fields SCALING for message of type Update?

This field is very important to ours, without one we can't use the rates correctly


Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Douglas Germano

    This is the expected behavior of the Real-Time Streaming connection. The update doesn’t contain the complete fields set but only the fields that changed. If the SCALING field is not changed, the Data Feed/Exchange/etc does not send this field update to the Refinitiv Real-Time.

    It is normal practice for the application to maintain a local cache of the most recent values and update the cache with whatever fields it receives in each update.

    I suggest you contact the Real-Time content team to verify if this SCALING field is available in the Update message. You can contact them via website.
