Email alerts for Initial Matched cases

Currently we are creating cases from API level and no email alerts send from the system for any matches cases. We use manual filtering method to identify the match cases from case manager screen, but we suggest is to have email alerts so we can immediately attend to the case.

Best Answer

  • Hi @sajitht

    Unfortunately, the email alert functionality for initial screening is not yet planed.

    Moreover, we are open to discuss this over the call, if interested please let us know your best available time so that we can schedule a session.

    Vivek Kumar Singh


  • Hi @sajitht

    Thanks for reaching out to us!

    If you are looking to get notified via an email for any new update/matches on existing cases then we would like you to utilize "SEQ-case-ogs-enable: Enable ongoing screening for a case" API endpoint to enable the ongoing screening. Once you enable the OGS, our system will periodically re-screen the cases and then notify you if there is any new update/matches.

    Vivek Kumar Singh

  • ---------------------

  • @Vivek Kumar Singh Thanks for replying.

    I'm referring email alerts for new match cases creations via initial API request (Not Ongoing screening). As we are using the API level screening, we need to immediately investigate the customer and resolve the cases. Currently we manually filter the cases from web ui and most of the times there won't any matched cases. We need to remove this repeated work and save user times

  • Hi @sajitht

    Unfortunately, email alerts for initial screening matches are not available at this moment.

    Moreover, can you ( please let us know your best available time so that we can discuss on "how to identify the matches and resolve them via API"

    Vivek Kumar Singh

  • @Vivek Kumar Singh Ohhh, Could we pls know that these alert generation method is in your project plan in future, if yes pls advice the timeline so we could update the compliance & Audit teams
    We will let you know if our Developers need help for API responses of match cases.

  • Hi,

    We have the same issue that sajitht :(
    Have you news about resolved this feature ? Then, what is your plan ?


  • Hi,

    Thanks for reaching out to us!

    Un-fortunately we don't yet have that email alert functionality for initial matches.

    Can you please share us your use case in more detail so that we can recommend something or forward your request to our product team.

