Historical PE, EPS and forward PE for an ETF like XLK or XLF through python


How can I retrieve the historical price to earnings ratio, earnings per share and forward PE for an ETF like XLK or XLF through python API?

Thank you!


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    Typically, the PE and forward PE fields are available via TR.PE and TR.FWDFE fields, as shown below.


    However, it returns <NA> when using it with ETF RICs.

    You need to contact the Eikon support directly via MyRefinitiv to verify if the data is available in Eikon and ask for the =TR formula which can be used in Eikon Excel to retrieve the required data. Then, if the formula is available, you can apply RICs, fields, and parameters to the Eikon Data API.