How to find RIC Refinitiv identifiers from eMAXX’s CINS identifiers for the same bond issue list?

How to link eMAXX (CINS) identifiers to their Refinitiv Workspace (RIC) identifiers?

For example, the CINS "N7280EA", which corresponds to the 9-digit CINS "N7280EAK6", exists in the Refinitiv Workspace database, and corresponds to the RIC NL030415957 (which I can check manually), but I cannot retrieve this information automatically.

It’s extremely embarrassing, because it has a very detailed price history, for example, that I can’t recover unless I check each of the 150,000 items on the list by hand.

Best Answer

  • Hi @philippe.soleri

    The RDP (Refinitiv Data Platform) symbology endpoint (/discovery/symbology/v1/lookup) found within the API Playground provides a way to programmatically convert a CINS value to multiple RIC identifiers. For example:

    "from": [
    "identifierTypes": ["CinsNumber"],
    "values": ["N7280EAK6"]
    "to": [
    "identifierTypes": ["RIC"]
    "type": "auto"


  • Hi @philippe.soleri

    Do you have access to the RDP Symbology API?

    For example, on the API Playground using for the Symbology API lookup API -

    If I try the following lookup:

      "from": [
          "identifierTypes": [
          "values": [
      "to": [
          "identifierTypes": [
      "reference": [
      "type": "strict"

    I get a response (I have truncated) - which includes the RIC NL030415957=

    "data": [
    "input": [
    "value": "N7280EAK6",
    "identifierType": "CinsNumber"
    "output": [
    "value": "NL030415957=",
    "identifierType": "PreferredRIC",
    "name": "4.75%STR 2007-2022 EMTN",
    "status": "Active",
    "classification": "Short / Medium Term Notes"
    "requestId": "9c04a24d-02ec-4970-adcd-95369c20d243",
    "effectiveAt": "2022-01-18T14:07:08.126Z",
    "messages": []

    Assuming you are licenced for the Symbology API, you should be able to bulk convert your CINS to RICs using a script.

    For instance, the following simple example converts ISINs read from a file to RICs -

    Refinitiv-API-Samples/Example.RDPLibrary.Python.ConvertSymbology: Simple notebook to convert ISINs (or other Symbology) to RICs using the Refinitiv Data Platform Symbology API (

    You should be able to modify the script to convert Cins to Rics. Although, I expect you will have to split your requests into much smaller batches of your 150,000 items.

  • Thanks a lot

  • Thanks a lot