does anybody know how to download adjusted and not adjusted price for equity (with and without divid

I'd like to analyze historical prices of some equities (e.g. Apple) in terms of dividends - any idea if Eikon has such different time series? i'd like to pull data in python using API


Best Answer

  • Hello @juliusz.pres ,

    Please see this previous discussion thread for the relevant detail on the dividends adjusted prices.

    You can can try something like this for split-adjusted prices:

    ek.get_data(['IBM.N','VOD.L','PLNT.CD'],['','TR.CLOSEPRICE(Adjusted=0)','TR.CLOSEPRICE(Adjusted=1)'],parameters = {'SDate':0,'EDate':-5})

    Resulting in:


    I have chosen Better Plant as one of the stocks as it has recently split and I would expect close price to differ from adjusted close price and therefore show that the price is adjusted.

    Hope this information helps.