StarterConsumer_Post - Error


I am trying to run the sample StarterConsumer_Post program to post some data to a test RIC we have setup. I am able to connect to our service and get the information but when I try to post I get the error described below

"A37: Cannot support on-stream posting for services which do not support posting."

There are other apps that are able to post data to this RIC using Eikon/Excel. I am using RFA JAVA 7.2.0.E1.all. Any help on what I can check to see the reason for this issue?


Best Answer

  • RKN

    The error can be found when the application tries to do on-stream post(post content on data stream) but the server does not support on-stream posting.

    Hence, you should use off-stream posting instead; post content on login stream.

    To set StarterConsumer_Post to do off-stream posting, set type=offstream in post_input.txt as example below:

    name=TEST.BK service=API_ATS1_4 type=offstream part=single sequence=false id=true PE=2336 UseRefreshLock=false ack=true userRightsMask=create attrib=attribInfo attribData=false payload=update_msg payloadMsgAttrib=attribInfo payloadMsgAttribData=false payloadMsgPayload=data

    For more detail of Posting, please refer to RFA Java Developers Guide
